This is a reference page for online HTML resources.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
If you want to look at only ONE resource, this one should be it. Included are links to other resources to help you keep learning.
Intro to HTML 3.2
3.2 HTML standard can be found here. This is the resource some of the HTML instructors will reference for these lessons.
HTML 4.01 Spec
The most recent recommended HTML 4 standard.
W3C HTML Home Page
For the latest developments and a history of the recommendations.
Anne's World Web Page Resources or
Extensive coverage of information regarding nearly every HTML topic you could possibly want to find. By HTML Instructor Anne.
Tips for Using Windows XP
Team member Deblev created the page with tutorials, information and resources to help students using Windows XP.
Tutorials and help pages created by VU instructors and students to answer your questions regarding basic HTML, graphics and programs that will make web page design and creation easier.
HTML Bits & Pieces
We picked your brains and the BB to find all the bits and pieces that always seem to get left out . . . thanks eagle and nanaj for putting them all together! As you progress with the class, you might find the answers to your questions here. It is also helpful to reread prior lessons.
Bare Bones Guide to HTML
Claims to have all the latest HTML tags, now for HTML 4. A big plus is that the information is available in a number of languages including Spanish, French, German and Japanese.
Maricopa Writing HTML Tutorial
Lesson format, popular with past students!
HTML Goodies "Tutorials" Pages
Honestly, one of the best places to find out how to learn different web-page related tasks. This link is to a section full of tutorials, but don't forget to view the rest of the site.
HTML PitStop
There are many step-by-step tutorials to begin a web page and put it on the web as well as ones to check later for more advanced topics.
BigNoseBird.Com's HTML tag guide
Quick reference for the most common HTML 3.2 tags and their options.
HTML Help by the Web Design Group
Information to create accessible sites regardless of browser, platform, or settings with a BBS to answer questions. The WDG's Wilbur - HTML 3.2 is great for an overview and quick reference with grouped and alphabetical listing of all tags. It is also available for download. - Beyond the code - HTML
You will find HTML authoring and Site Design as well as stepping stones to many other areas and resources.
HTML Clinic
Quick and easy to understand step-by-step tutorials. Coding tips has a section on how to copy and paste in Windows.